
I Was The Problem!

The Silent Startup-Killer

Hector Quintanilla
4 min readAug 4, 2020


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

“You’ll never succeed,” my father said with his deep authoritative voice.

“What are you talking about dad?” I asked.

“You want to start another business, but you don’t have what it takes to make it succeed,” he said.

You can imagine how this conversation went… Fireworks anyone? You bet!

I stormed out of his office absolutely furious as I kicked the door behind me as hard as I could. “What’s wrong with this old man? He’s gone crazy!” I said to myself.

Well, this was back when I was a college student failing my Civil Engineering studies. I was failing, bad. Really bad! I hated school. I was born hating school. I was a misfit. ADD, Dyslexia, whatever it was, I was a terrible student.

Anyway, my dad was worried because I was starting my third business during my college years. Ups and downs? You bet, I was obsessed with business since a very young age and my dad knew it.

During my college years I rarely studied, instead I was always searching for business opportunities like trying to solve the need for parking outside my college campus. I tried a parking lot service. It failed.



Hector Quintanilla

On Mission to Help Solopreneurs Boost Their Business Beyond Their Solo Efforts. 127M+ content views & 4M+ upvotes in the Quora Platform. BeBusinessSmart.com